Monday 16 November 2015


In continuation from the previous blog on this topic, I would like to say am richly aware that millions of blogs out there have written on this issue and they've said so many things about it. The problem is actually simplifying these steps as much as possible so that success doesn't seemingly look like a major milestone. That simplicity in achieving success, guys,is my main aim as I write these humble words. Well enough of the introductory speech (before I bore you to sleep.)


"The secret of  getting ahead is getting started."

Mark Twain didn't mince words when he made the above statement. Currently you have just thought out a plan for that business which you believe will work out, that vision that will catapult you to greater heights, that house to be built, that car to buy, that goal to be fulfilled within a deadline, then what are you waiting for, start now and make plans for it actualization. Each time wasted keeps the clock ticking away( and your grey hair keeps growing inch by inch!), your passion fades away gradually; before you realize, you've added another item to your regret database.

2.  BE READY                                                     
"Be ready when opportunity comes. Luck is when preparation meets opprtunity" said Roy Chapin Jr., former chairman and CEO of American Motors Corporation (AMC). Little wonder he successfully turned the company from the usual phrase 'a dying company' associated with it, to one of the most successful automobile companies in America. This later earned him a place in the Automotive Hall Of Fame.
     In your ladder to the top, you have to take advantage of any opportunity to learn a new skill( maybe a course of study) wherever you find that opportunity, cause they may come in handy at the right time and place. You have got to build up you skills and intellectual reservoir to the point of been a professional when it comes to that skill. Don't only be restricted to your career (which you probably studied in school); study further, get more certificates, build up your information database, be thoroughly educated, develop yourself cause the truth is life is uncertain. So may end up doing and living off that skill you acquired and not your academic career. Always be ready for eventualities by taking hold of learning opportunities.


 Like the famous Obama campaign slogan "Yes We Can..", you truly can do whatever you set out to do only if you believe in your self and your capabilities. Let go off that low self esteem and see your self as a great person; don't let the words of seemingly ignorant people force you into looking down on yourself cause the truth is; you can do and be whoever you aspire to be. Develop self confidence in yourself and your abilities and see your self soar higher than ever.


To succeed in life, we all need a shoulder to support us both with lifetime advice that will build us up and to scold us when we start trailing the wrong path. You must be careful to select the right mentor that has succeeded in the same or a related field to your field of study. The importance of guidance to your much desired success cannot be over-emphasized. You avoid those significant pitfalls on your way to the top. With a good mentor by your side, your way to success is secured.


"Trust in the Lord with all your all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path." (Prov. 3:5)

In your steady progression to the top, be careful not be forget God people. For only with His leading are we certain that true success is guaranteed. Let His laws be your guiding principles and learn to meditate on his Word everyday. By doing this constantly, you are building up your heart and mind for success. If this last step is taken, all the other steps above is ensured and the sky will only end up being your stepping stone. See you at the top.

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